I met Frank Viola in the fall of 2007, in the Bahamas. Since that time I have followed his writing, though not reading every book. Today I purchased a Kindle copy of God’s Favorite Place on Earth. Why? Maybe it is Frank’s adept marketing. He has proven he knows how to gorilla market. This is a case in point. But, it appears he has something helpful to say.
The descriptions of a number of friends who commented on the book spurred my curiosity. David Fitch wrote,
More than a devotional, better than an academic study, God’s Favorite Place on Earth is a deeply moving pastoral book that will build your faith. Turn its pages slowly, pause between chapters and allow yourself to be immersed into the world of the New Testament. Prepare yourself for an encounter with Jesus the Galilean yet the very Son of God.
David Fitch, B R Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology, Northern Seminary, author of Prodigal Christianity
Wade Burleson, who does not give in to offering faint praise, writes,
Frank Viola shows followers of Christ how to create a “favorite place” for God in our world today, a place where people are set free to love, follow and embrace Jesus like never before.
Brad Brisco, who spends a great deal of time helping others think about missional community, offers this,
My friend Frank Viola has just released a new book called God’s Favorite Place on Earth that could change your relationship with God, help you defeat bitterness, free you from a guilty conscience, and help you overcome fear, doubt and discouragement once and for all.
These three friends represent unity of endorsement but diversity in background. I bit. If this is not enough to get you to head over and get your own copy then read this and see if this inspires you enough.
Over 3 million books are published every year. In order for a book to rise above the fray and not be lost to obscurity, it has to sell really well during release week. Since this book is my life’s work, I want as many people to be aware of it as possible.
You are the key to this. So I need your help.
If you buy the book between May 1 and May 7, I will give you 25 FREE books and audios by 19 different authors. On May 8th, the offer goes away FOREVER. To get these free bonuses, you must take these three simple steps: (Click here for the rest.)