Lyle teaching? The surprise some would express came not because they thought Lyle was not sharp enough. No, it was really the result of his “first impression” temperament. Quiet. Reserved.
Give Lyle space and a topic and he would surprise those who had only met him once. We experienced something of a role reversal. He became my Sunday School teacher. He was always prepared. Lyle always enjoyed thinking through the subject and marveled at those who refused to be open to learn, especially those his age who thought they had everything nailed down.
He began a Wednesday post titled, “Not Enough Time,”
I am getting close to finishing Divine Conspiracy, but with substitute Sunday School teaching and the interesting study of Romans going on at our Church, I am torn in too many directions. Too much cool stuff to read is actually the problem.
I used to complain about how shallow our lessons in Sunday School were (years ago), but lately the material we use talks about spiritual transformation, faith and service. The writers quote C.S. Lewis and Thomas Aquinas, what is going on with the SBC? Actually I hope I am seeing a trend away from anti-intellectualism in our churches. I do not claim to be an intellectual, I just like to read what intellectuals who happen to be Christ followers say. For too long we have taken for granted as truth what some men behind pulpits say, when those men have not done honest sincere study of the scriptures to determine the full scope and meaning of God’s message to us. Some people do not know when to take Scripture literal and when to take it metaphorical. Or the biggest mistake is not taking to account the historical context in which the words were written and what the worldview was of the writer and the original reader at that time.
Why not study what our early leaders in the faith had to say outside of Scripure? And why not read what other people think, who are educated and dedicate their life to exegetical study of Scripture? And why not keep up on scientific and archaelogical writings that confirm our faith? Instead of a knee jerk reaction against science, when scientific research often confirms “intelligent design” and other possible thesis that bolster proof of a Creator God.?
I will get done with Willard’s book eventually, but I am at the part where he recommends reading the 4 Gospels, so now I have something else to read.
Oh yeah and our guy who is behind the pulpit ( in front of it actually) is not like the above mentioned guys behind the pulpit, and neither is our JV Pastor or our Youth Guy or our Music Guy……