Inter-nicene squabbles are not new. When it comes to truth we face the task of attempting to explain the diversity of Christian traditions for the “one” church of Jesus Christ. John Franke offers a glimpse into his forthcoming book in a blog post over at Adam Cleveland’s website.
In my book Manifold Witness: The Plurality of Truth, scheduled for publication with Abingdon Press this October in the Emergent Village sponsored theology series, I suggest that the diversity of the Christian community is a faithful witness to Godâ??s intentions for the church. This plurality gives expression to the polyphonic character of truth as part of the manifold witness of the global and historical church to the God revealed in Jesus Christ. In keeping with this conclusion I believe that the church, as the image of God and the body of Christ in the world, is called to bear a unique witness to Jesus and that, by the will and intention of God, this witness is inherently and irreducibly plural. We cannot bear this witness alone: no one of us; no one of our churches; no one of our cultures or traditions. We need each other. I believe that this is the truth.
You can read the entire post at Adam’s blog.