Sometimes we face life experiences that slap us in the face. For any number of reasons people oppose us. On other occasions what we believe is undermined by those who mock our convictions. And, we may face the ruptures among friends who would be leaders in our own self-selected group. Enter Paul writing to Jesus followers in Philippi years ago.
From prison Paul could attest to a life lived in adversity. Occasionally chronicling his own plight he could readily identify with the struggles of the fledgling community. He nears the end of his letter and he charges ahead, “Rejoice in the Lord.” What? How? You are kidding! Yet, “in the Lord” is not some catchphrase for Paul but recognition that in Jesus we have joy. Wherein this life may suffer the inequities and injustices that come, our hope is in Jesus who set us free and will complete his work finally upon his return.
Consider these thoughts this Season of Advent. Discover the expression of joy in Jesus shows up in our reasonableness/gentleness to everyone.
If you have a thought, share it in the comments.