You guessed it. That is the fire truck Lyle used to fight fires in Oklahoma City. Nope. It is an antique. A person who would still use a horse drawn “fire truck” in the U.S. in the 21st century would surely qualify as a luddite.
Natalie commented on an earlier post about her Dad wondering if Lyle would have a Facebook account or alert the world to his thoughts via Twitter. The answer – Yes. How do I know. Well it is a matter of deduction.
Tuttle still provides rural charms and feel yet its proximity to just about anything we would want to do is something of a best of both worlds. There is one glaring deficiency if you live within the Tuttle City limits and outside of ATT’s inner DSL loop – high speed internet choices. Yes, we routinely watch planes take off and land from Will Rogers World Airport, but taking off and landing on the super-highway of world wide web technology is another matter.
Back to Lyle. In a very brief post titled, Dinsaur No More, he hinted at how he might respond to advances in technology which would surely include Facebook and Twitter among others.
I guess I’ll be like everyone else and post about my new DSL hookup……….Wow.
It took me a while, a few years, to break down and get it. It is almost too much, I can watch a video while I post. Don’t they call that sensory overload? Since my internet connection has sped up, I hope the rest of my life will slow down a bit. I’ve been way too busy to post and the only reason I am now is because I can’t sleep.
DSL or high speed does satisfy our need for instant gratification. Like microwaves, pay for view movies, cell phones, drive thru windows and consumer Christianity. (once saved always saved, glad I got that over with)
These last few posts have been great. Unfortunately, Kathy and I weren’t around Lyle for very long. But it didn’t take long to make a connection and it didn’t take long to know that he was someone who was of like heart and who had a great heart. He is certainly missed.