Debate goes on around the issue of the gospel and whether or not the message changes or just the methods change. In fact, a recent book was published where different authors presented their opinions on the matter and responded to each other as well. The subject is worth consideration. I will make some comments along the way …
One thing is for sure, we must be the church differently today than we were in the 1950’s. The height of the SBC statistically came after World War 2 in the 1950’s. I shared a conversation this afternoon in which the subject came up. One important point was made. In the 1950’s the church viewed itself as people serving it. We gave away social ministry to the Federal government. Today we decry the abuse and neglect fostered under that system. We now must come to rediscovering the church is the church for the glory of God and the sake/blessing of the world. The Church will need to capture a self-understanding which is characterized by serving its famlies and the community in which it is located not looking to be served …
more to come.
Sounds like some jello stuck to the wall with the conversation you had with your friend. Let’s do it again soon!
Here’s a website I would suggest you taking a look at: However, the book is cheaper on