We all love new things. In a few days the much hyped iPad will be available. What will Apple’s entrance into a tablet styled computer mean? No one really knows. Expectations are all over the map. Even if the iPad revolutionizes computing like the iPod did for music, it could hardly be compared to the newness promised in Jesus.
We pastor types often describe the future in a way that bears little resemblance to the present. With the exception of a reference to no more tears and sorrow, we tend to be more fatalistic when it comes to the here and now. The Apostle Peter learned a different lesson. The realities of the Lordship of Jesus changed thing in the present. No longer could he abide the old ethnic divides. He learned the old categories of clean people and unclean people had been ruined in the newness brought by Jesus.
Here are some thoughts on the texts for this coming Sunday and the celebration of Easter.