You must run over and read the short post at Bill exposes readers to what is often apparently missed in the clear reading of Scripture. Jesus describes the manner in which justice is expressed in the world by those who would follow his way in Matthew 25 – it is the work of the Gospel to set a sin wrecked world right. Standing to read from the Isaiah scroll in Luke 4 Jesus points to what he will do – the declaration of the Good News – set a sin wrecked world right.
Missing the connection between these two texts appears to give preference to a self-selected reading of the Scriptural narrative. An unnecessary bifurcation results. These sorts of false antithesis would be called out by some. Bill calls this adventure in missing the connection by exposing the wardrobe malfunction in our narrative reading.
Good job Bill.
Thanks, bro. But I do blog fully clothed. 🙂
The missional conversation appears to be getting louder again. We live in interesting times.
Yes, when you believe you have defeated one bogeyman, you must move on to another. Even if it seems like “friendly fire.” Certain segments must always have an enemy or all sense of being and meaning are lost.