Over time Dietrich Bonhoeffer has become something of a Rorschach Test for Christians. That is, everyone finds something in Bonhoeffer’s corpus to claim for their theological project. Jeffrey C. Pugh says not so fast. Instead of thinking that Bonhoeffer passed through phases, like early and late, one might better understand the German theologian as always answering the question, “What does Christ mean for this concrete time in history? Think not that this is a cover for relativism. Instead consider the question one that always kept Bonhoeffer focused on Jesus, the Christ.
Jeffrey C. Pugh returns to Patheolgoical for a conversation around his book, Religionless Christianity: Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Troubled Times. Pugh’s book has been in the to-read stack for quite some time. I don’t exactly recall what it was the pushed Jeffrey’s book to the top but I am glad it did. Once finished I wished I had read it years ago. It seems so prescient for our day today.
Many of you know that I really enjoy a good conversation. This may be one of the best conversations I have had in a long, long time. Pick up a copy of Religionless Christianity. You will be glad you did. You may be as thankful for the recommendation to pick up the book as you are to listen in as we talk about it.
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