A Complicated Pregnancy: A Conversation with Kyle Roberts
Some time ago a friend discovered I had been reading Jurgen Moltmann’s, The Crucified God. He suggested I leave Moltmann alone. If you know anything about me, that is like pouring gas on a fire.… Continue reading
Read MoreProgressive Conservative? or, Keep an Eye On Tony Jones’ Challenge
Sadly any mention of certain friendships shuts down many a conversation. Over the past ten or more years I have had a few occasions to chat with Tony Jones, in person and on the phone. There are many times I believe Tony gets a bad rap. Other times … Continue reading
The Shape of Piper’s Foundation Laid for Driscoll
“People want to hear what I have to say. It doesn’t matter what I do.”
Permission to treat others poorly often leads to people treating others poorly. It is bad enough when permission is denied and yet people continue to treat others dishonorably. Provide a framework for … Continue reading
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