
Ben Cole on the Economy and the Election

My friend Ben Cole showed up at Associated Baptist Press with an opinion piece. Most know Ben has an opinion about most everything. He is a skilled writer, voracious reader and student of leadership. In this piece Ben takes a look at the economy from some interesting angles … Continue reading

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I Did Not Go to the Prom – Or, In Defense of J.D. Greear

(Sometimes writing is “risk-taking.” Pastors writing on sensitive subjects on the interwebs may have dire consequences when words fail to stir healthy conversation. I write this post on my website. I am expressing my convictions not those of my church. The church I pastor is comprised of people who Continue reading

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Tornadoes and God or God and Tornados

Living in Tornado Alley we watch weather about as much as we watch Sooner Football. In fact if a storm blows up hours from where we live, Gary will preempt programming so the rest of the state may watch the potential calamity. We are glad for the warnings. … Continue reading

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Surely We Can Do Better – We Must

Quick posts are sometimes the bane of blogdom. So, I sat on this yesterday morning. I did not write before the story ran on a local television station. I wanted to hear all of the comments available.

Yesterday I received a call from a local religion news writer about … Continue reading

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Cultural Captivity – (Not) Seeing Our Own

Thinking through the implications of Peter Rollins‘ little book, The Orthodox Heretic, left me considering the ways we often miss our own “logs” when looking for others’ “specks.” There needs to be a greater intersection between our lives and the life of Jesus evidenced in our living more Continue reading

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