
If Your Pastor Did Not Preach On . . .

Have you felt the shame? Facebook and Twitter posts aplenty called out to churchgoers they should find another church if the pastor did not preach on the issue of immigration on Father’s Day a couple of weeks ago.… Continue reading

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A Quiverful of Lessons on Sex and Gender in the SBC and Beyond

Emily Hunter McGowin agrees with me. Then she calls upon her experience and education to list several ways where a much more dangerous ideology affect “American evangelical culture and the SBC in partiular.”… Continue reading

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Ashley Madison Exposes the Limits of Personal Piety or, Don’t Blame the Hackers

Lost amidst the pursuit of those who hacked Ashley Madison and buried beneath the millions of email accounts revealed in the aftermath lay the limits of personal piety. Christians braced themselves wondering if their pastor or friends would be implicated in the email dump.… Continue reading

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Preacher Shame – Guest Blog from Pulpit2Pew

Preachers in the news. I get nervous every time someone asks, “Did you hear about the preacher . . . ?” Just yesterday I was asked to verify the veracity of a story about a preacher in our state by a friend who lives, and preaches/pastors, in another state. … Continue reading

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