Recently Chris Seay described the completion of a water well in Haiti. He just as well heralded a vein of gold had been hit. In a country ravaged by hurricanes and earthquakes in the past couple of years, water is a precious commodity.
The imagery in the Jeremiah passage for this week reminds us the value of running water – living water 0ver against contained water, captured in a cistern. Too often Christian people want a God to possess, to control. We create systems wherein God is required to act or behave in a way we manage. It is an old story. It is a common practice.
People who should be alert to the uncontainable God should also be prepared to let the love given in Jesus flow freely through us to all rather than appoint special days for people to be helped and take seats from those who may deserve them more. You never know when the stranger may be an angel.
What are your thoughts on this week’s Scriptures?