Six years ago the crisis of the day was New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Today the crisis is Japan. Both demonstrated an incredible power in natural disasters. The chain reaction of events set off in Northern Japan can hardly be fathomed – earthquake, tsunami, (potential) nuclear meltdown as a result, and the threat of another tsunami. The photos online are depressing. Except. Images of people from all over the world loading up to help. Rescue workers, relief workers, aid workers, and governmental pledges give hope in the midst of uncertainty for too many.
Lyle wrote in September of 2005,
Actually be obedient and do what you can to help your neighbor, regardless of social status, race or religous affiliation. And if you aren’t bothered by what is going on, (people dying because they are poor)…..may God bring you to repentance.
Maybe we are a more compassionate people today. Then maybe . . .
Why Should I Care?
Well I can’t say whether God is judging the “Big Easy” right now or not,(pretty sure he isn’t, after all I am sure there are some Southern Baptist affected by this deal) but I do know that God will judge us as a nation for how we respond to this situation. Scripture is clear that if we do not care for the helpless we will be punished. Now whether we view the biblical parallel for Israel as the U.S. as a nation or Christ followers who happen to live in the U.S. does not matter, God has been clear that He requires His people to help the widows, orphans and feed the poor.
So for you Rapture watchers and prophecy fans out there, hear this:
41 But give to charity what is within,and then everything is clean for you.
Luke 11:41 (HCSB
42 “But woe to you Pharisees! You give a tenth of mint, rue, and every kind of herb, and you bypass justice and love for God.(actually Love of God in the original manuscript) These things you should have done without neglecting the others.
Luke 11:42 (HCSB)
In the book of Habbakkuk, Israel was judged for neglecting the helpless. When we make remarks about the racial makeup of those most damaged by this tragedy and somehow conclude that they are to blame for this desperate situation, to me is tantamount to bringing judgement down on yourself. So be careful.
Actually be obedient and do what you can to help your neighbor, regardless of social status, race or religous affiliation. And if you aren’t bothered by what is going on, (people dying because they are poor)…..may God bring you to repentance.