
Voices of Hope

Some of us grew up acquainted with choirs. Recently I saw the Voices of Hope Choir on American’s Got Talent. I could not help but think there was a metaphor that would help explicate something Paul was aiming for in what I think is his four-part harmony at work.Continue reading

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Did You Know You Were Full?

Following the Lectionary means that sometimes you must include or reference passages that are not part of the given readings. It points to the value of the habit of reading around the Text under consideration. … Continue reading

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Baptism: Jesus Burns His Draft Card

(Epiphany/Baptism of Jesus Sunday)

Mark 4:4-11; 

On October 15, 1965 . . . 

In a demonstration staged by the student-run National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, the first public burning of a draft card in the United States takes place.

These demonstrations drew 100,000 people in Continue reading

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Reformation Day Giveaway – Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography

Weighing in on the Reformation reveals opinions as diverse as what to make of the recent indictments handed down by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Team.… Continue reading

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I’ll Push You . . . To Go See the Movie

Finally, a movie that gets the church right. You only get one night to see it in a theater. This Thursday.… Continue reading

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