
Museum Pieces

What are a couple of Southern Baptists doing among the Liberals?

From my recent Substack, Can We Talk?

Taken together, these two events, the question I received in Tulsa and Marty’s trolls, led me to reformulate Voltaire’s speculation regarding Southern Baptists.

“One hundred years from my day, there will Continue reading

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Too Many Claiming Christ Are Just Admirers

Following Jesus is different.

From my latest Substack newsletter, Can We Talk?

He gestures toward the images adorning the ceiling: “I paint all this suffering, but I do not suffer myself. I make a living of it.” Franz, too, looks up, knowingly, it seems, but says nothing. The painter

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A Threat to Democracy?

From my latest Substack offering,

Apply this to the claim that Christians owe no one anything despite the Apostle Paul’s ethical position. It should be easy to see that American Democracy defended by those who fail to read and employ Scriptural ethics imperil both our Country and Christian Witness. … Continue reading

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True Myth

From my recent Substack: Can We Talk?

If you are like me, growing up in a Southern Baptist Fundamentalist version of the Christian Faith, any reference to anything in the Bible as myth raised a red flag. It was probably worse than that. For many, it still is.

Recently … Continue reading

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What is the obsession with Beth Moore?

From my latest Substack, We Are Our Own Rorschach Test.

My friend Tim once served as a Southern Baptist Youth Minister. He is now an Episcopal Priest. I never once thought that anyone should take a picture of him in his vestments, reading Scripture and giving Communion only … Continue reading

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