Creation Care

Recycling, No Really

Monday I stopped to drop off several sacks of newspapers in the paper recycle bins located on our East Parking Lot at Snow Hill. To my amazement I discovered a discarded vacuum cleaner. Once I opened the lid to the bin I found large cardboard boxes. The bins are … Continue reading

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Friday Photo

Defiant. Aluminum will not break down on its own. It may deteriorate but it would be better to recycle. Whomever cast this can aside was defiant of the need to care for creation. And, in a more subtle way to characterize the photo as defiant, it reminds of the … Continue reading

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Cover Crops – Aiding Others

World Neighbors continues to offer help to farmers affected by a variety of debilitating circumstances. On occasion World Neighbors helps with education for those looking for ways to foster subsistence farming. Others help in developing countries learn means of sustainable living in given climate conditions. In their recent e-newsletterContinue reading

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