Good News

The Disruptor for the Detestable

Last summer CNBC, a cable channel that covers the Stock Market and offers economic analysis, issued its annual Distruptor 50 list. Innovative companies believed to be changing the world make the list. These companies are considered forward thinking. One of the measures is their economic success. For instance, 31 Continue reading

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Baptism: Jesus Burns His Draft Card

(Epiphany/Baptism of Jesus Sunday)

Mark 4:4-11; 

On October 15, 1965 . . . 

In a demonstration staged by the student-run National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, the first public burning of a draft card in the United States takes place.

These demonstrations drew 100,000 people in Continue reading

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Health Care for the Least of These – Go Fund Them

One of my friends makes the audacious claim that our attempts to save others may prove a waste of time as those same others may actually be the location of our own healing.… Continue reading

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Punishment Does Not Equate to Justice or, Jesus’ Weak Move in Mark 8

Last week Joshua Steven Durcho received sentencing for killing five people in 2009. The plea agreement avoided a trial in which the victims’ relatives would surely have relived the gruesome nature of the crimes. The Oklahoman relayed Rhonda Rust’s sentiments,

“The death penalty would not have made me

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