An Uneasy Agent of the State: Part 2, Marriage Officiant

Marriage as solemnized in the United States, in most cases, may disturb me more than the wrangling over marriage equality. It would be wrong to assume I believe the discussions over marriage equality should be muted as somehow unimportant.… Continue reading

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Will Albert Mohler Jr. Insist On Truth-Telling in Baltimore?

When the dwelling place of God is with men there will be no place for liars. John casts such a vision from the Isle of Patmos in The Revelation (ch.21). We, then, have some time to repent of our lying, those of us in the SBC, Southern Baptist Convention.… Continue reading

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What Does Africa Have to Do with Forth Worth?

Dave Miller remarked in the comment thread of a recent post at SBC Voices, “Blogging attracts the most strident voices. The SBC is never as divided as blogging.” Herding the cats, which has at times included me, at SBC Voices gives Dave a peculiar perspective. Prior to … Continue reading

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Listening to the Other – A Guest Post by Dwight McKissic

It is a mistake to think white people cannot talk about race in our Country. It may also be a mistake to think that white people listen well when the issue of race enters the public sphere as it has with the recent George Zimmerman verdict. Dwight McKissic quotes … Continue reading

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Abridging Schools of Thought, Tony Jones the Conservative, and The New Materialism

Jack Caputo criticizes those who abridge postmodern philosophy. It seems especially so when talking about theological proposals. I have listened to many of his lectures posted online and on more than once occasion he makes this sort of statement. (More on this later.) I understand.

Caputo’s challenge is not … Continue reading

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