Southern Baptist Convention

Whose History? Whose Independence? An Interview with Alan Cross

Healthy conversation and debate suffers from the 24/7 news cycle. The shooting of the Charleston 9 stirred deep conversations about the racial history in the United States. While the conversations and fallout continue, several SCOTUS decisions threaten(ed) to move the important discussions about racial issues to the back burner. … Continue reading

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It’s All About the Base, No Trouble

Grandma Littleton tired of the question, “Are you Catholic?” This came after she responded to, “How many children do you have?” She would reply, “Eight. Six boys and two girls.” Over time she developed a startling response to the question of her religious background, “No. Just oversexed Baptists.” Were … Continue reading

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Will Paige Patterson Endorse Article 3 in Baltimore?

The better question may be, “Is Paige Patterson Now An Advocate for Broader Baptist Parameters After Being For Narrower Baptist Parameters?” … Continue reading

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Will Albert Mohler Jr. Insist On Truth-Telling in Baltimore?

When the dwelling place of God is with men there will be no place for liars. John casts such a vision from the Isle of Patmos in The Revelation (ch.21). We, then, have some time to repent of our lying, those of us in the SBC, Southern Baptist Convention.… Continue reading

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