
No Ordinary Time

Pastoral Prayer: Lord God Almighty, Jesus revealed in flesh and blood the power of your self-giving love. Your Spirit makes us alive to that love in Jesus. Immerse us in your self-giving love so that our lives may be a means whereby all people may learn of and live Continue reading

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Freedom from the Tyranny of the Self or, You Are the Body

Often I take a manuscript into the pulpit. The preached sermon will vary. Below the post will be a link to the preached sermon.

Pastoral Prayer: Holy One, by the power of the Spirit Jesus came with the Good News. We risk missing it for we only hear the Continue reading

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Traversing Boundaries, Story, and the Way of Jesus

Sometimes the story is within the story. For instance, the Miracle at the Wedding in Cana often becomes the locus for a debate about alcohol, at least in my tribe, or the elusive Jesus, a reference to Jesus’ self-disclosure as, “not yet my time.” If not those then it … Continue reading

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Sometimes the unexpected events in our lives need to be given time to settle over us. Too quick to fit them neatly into our own personal stories we may miss the way in which they challenge us. Listening to  Chris Heuetrz (sidebar video) describe one of those unexpected events … Continue reading

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