
My Women on International Women’s Day

Years ago, when our girls were small, a friend said, “All great men have two girls.” Incidentally he told me he heard it from one of our mutual friends. Naturally all three of us have two girls.… Continue reading

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Faithful Presence – An Advent Series #3

Dear lady in the coffee aisle,

If this little letter ever finds you I hope it finds you well. I wanted to say thank you for what you did for me today.Continue reading

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Everyone Needs a Catalyst

“Dad, would you want to do a Bootcamp with me?” Nearly two years ago Tommie told me what she was thinking. I said, “Yes let’s do it.”… Continue reading

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Number 26 – Happy Birthday Tommie

I preferred living graduation presents. Anyone may receive a book, a ring, or some other artifact to mark a special occasion. We were gifted baby girls.… Continue reading

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