
Pride and Prejudice – Thoughts from the Edge

Politics and religion don’t mix – unless you live in the United States on the 4th of July. And really, we may ought to view religion as a form of politic. After all people who claim to follow Jesus, the Christ make collective decisions. The question under consideration is … Continue reading

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Vision, Freedom, Character – Thoughts from the Edge

Patty and I happened into an antique shop while on vacation. There is a stretch of Hollister, MO that offers a quaint “old town” feel. I snapped this picture at Patty’s recognition that it would be a good one. She knows I really enjoy “reflections” in photos, mostly … Continue reading

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Sheer Silence – Thoughts from the Edge

Paul Littleton joins this week’s episode of Thoughts from the Edge.

The Church in America has lost its voice. No, not every church. But, many churches and collectively we seem to like hearing ourselves rail against others or bemoan that no one listens any more. In those instances where … Continue reading

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Trifle Not – Thoughts from the Edge

We always told our girls, “Give it your best effort.” Our hope was to encourage them to work hard in school or on the playing field of whatever sport they chose to play. We could tell whether or no they were trifling with school or sport. You know trifling. … Continue reading

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Constitutive Community – Thoughts from the Edge

The story constitutes the community. It is not that it is only story. It is just that it is not less than story. When we talk about what constitutes a local Christian community of faith we cannot help but recall the story of Pentecost. Out of the giving of … Continue reading

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