
Drunk Again?

Pastoral Prayer: Holy One, it seems appropriate to ask, “How long will cities burn?” We can hear your response to Isaiah, “Until your cities lie waste.” Some cannot breathe, others cannot run, and still others cannot feel safe inside their own homes. If we refuse to comprehend, to understand, Continue reading

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Former Blowhards Only

Pastoral Prayer: Holy One, we fear for our lives and so we arm ourselves, we fear others and so make rules against them, we fear you and receive the experiences of suffering as your displeasure with us. We need again the Good News that Jesus, the  Suffering One, suffered Continue reading

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No Mere Memoir

Pastoral Prayer: Holy One, we often find ourselves out of place, even out of sorts. This happens when we compare ourselves with you. And, when we by your Spirit choose faithfulness to the way of Jesus and are at odds with the idols we find in our world, sometimes Continue reading

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It’s Not Our Forgiveness to Give

Pastoral Prayer: Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns Continue reading

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Just Another Day at the Office or, A Parody of Power

Pastoral Prayer: Lord God, it is easy for us to become so accustomed to human modes of power that we need a good dose of parody to shake us awake to the manner of your love in Jesus, the Christ. Give us again, a healthy dose of divine humor Continue reading

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