
Orcas and Great White Sharks

My friend Jordon Cooper pointed to this video with the question, “Who do you think would win?”

I could not help but think of the Naturalist we listened to talk about Orcas while on an Alaska Cruise a few years ago. This was too fascinating not to pass along.… Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Alone

I still have not processed all of our photos from our Alaska trip. Scrolling through them I spotted this one from the Rain Forrest Photography walk. There were quite a few places along the way to settle in to the stillness afforded us on the trail. The varieties of … Continue reading

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Friday Photo

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I learned you could walk through a rainforest in Alaska. And, Patty and I did. Here is a small version of what you will see in larger format if you click on the link below the photo. Enjoy.

RainforestJuneausmallContinue reading

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