Albert Mohler

Why Makes Justice So Controversial?

Oklahoma incarcerates more people per capita than any other State in the Union – men and women. Legislators work to reform our justice system. The gears turn slowly. Part of the issue turns on how we talk about justice.

Last year, a group of Evangelicals, some from my tribe

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Land’s Al (ibi) or, Mohler Selects Which Sins May Be Minimized by His Silence

Last year Dr. Al Mohler responded to questions about comments he made concerning Evangelicals and homosexuality. He remarked,

But we as Evangelicals have a very sad history in dealing with this issue. We have told not the truth, but we’ve told about half the truth. We’ve told the

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Clippings No. 5

Scot McKnight recently spoke at the Apprentis Institute at Friends University. He demonstrated his knack for a turn of the phrase. Recounting Peter’s ongoing conversion, Scot described what Peter learned in his vision on the roof. Aside from discovering there is some good food to be eaten … Continue reading

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The Scary Other, Or If You Are Not For Me You Are Against Me

Yesterday, Alan commented on my recent post on “Risking the Ethics of Critique.” He did not understand why someone of John Piper’s stature would feel the need to engage Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost so negatively after reading only a paragraph of a referenced book. Maybe, he … Continue reading

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