Book Review

Coffee with Jesus – A Second Shot

Jesus often gets a bad rap. He is portrayed as too nice. Call it a sentimental view of Jesus aided by paintings and artwork that seem to domesticate the revolutionary message he heralded.… Continue reading

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No Miracle for You or, Perhaps John D. Caputo Gives Faith a Chance

Jesus concludes the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus by noting a miracle will not help. Hardly the sort of encouragement from him who turned water to wine, who walked on water, and who bid Peter to get out of the boat. The modern imagery conjured by the … Continue reading

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Abridging Schools of Thought, Tony Jones the Conservative, and The New Materialism

Jack Caputo criticizes those who abridge postmodern philosophy. It seems especially so when talking about theological proposals. I have listened to many of his lectures posted online and on more than once occasion he makes this sort of statement. (More on this later.) I understand.

Caputo’s challenge is not … Continue reading

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Is There Something New Under the Son? Matt Woodley’s, The Gospel of Matthew: God with Us

Carving out space for a new commentary series on the Scriptures conjures the sentiment of the “preacher” in Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What would it take to counter the sense of vanity at the thought of such a project? Invite Matt Woodley to write a … Continue reading

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Stina Busman Offers Questions and Suggestions to Fitch

Stina Busman described David Fitch’s project in The End of Evangelicalism as “impressive.” But, that does not imply a wholesale endorsement. David would not want ti that way. Instead, he would invite conversation partners to help refine his constructive way forward for the Church. Here is Part 2 of … Continue reading

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