

We can be serious. Discussions about who has more hair, which of us is developing the Littleton Paunch, or how the Sooners will fare in the upcoming football season alters conviviality in an instant.

Recently Paul, the one in the photo in need of a lap to sit, offered … Continue reading

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Rough Trail

Two of my best friends have know idea what lies ahead of us. Captivated by the beauty of the dense Forrest, the various streams and rock formations, and the trees reaching to the skies betray how our hike would end.

Paul and Trent – they are my brothers, and … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Reflecting Brothers

I wonder what they are thinking. We were welcoming friends to a time of “visitation” on the eve of my grandmother’s memorial service.

There is little doubt Trent (right) and Paul (left) were reflecting on any number of memories, anticipations, or prospects for the future.

I always enjoy listening … Continue reading

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