Civil Rights

When the Law Does Not Deliver: A Conversation with Bradly Mason

In our best Schwarzenegger voice, “We said we’d be back!”

Sojourner’s interviewed Nathan Cartagena on teaching Critical Race Theory to Evangelicals. When asked about the different assumptions students have when taking a class on critical race theory now that CRT is such a lightning rod subject he noted,


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Whose History? Whose Independence? An Interview with Alan Cross

Healthy conversation and debate suffers from the 24/7 news cycle. The shooting of the Charleston 9 stirred deep conversations about the racial history in the United States. While the conversations and fallout continue, several SCOTUS decisions threaten(ed) to move the important discussions about racial issues to the back burner. … Continue reading

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Neglected View

Homes fall into disrepair often out of neglect. The cost to rehab an old house may not be immediately clear. No one knows what unseen costs lie behind old sheet rock or underneath old carpet.… Continue reading

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