
No Final Judgments – One Southern Baptist and Emergence Christianity

This post was originally written for abpnews at the invitation to offer a Baptist, even Southern Baptist reflection, on the recent Emergence Christianity Event in Memphis, TN.

Friendships transcend labels. More than ten years ago I ventured with a friend to a conference not organized and characterized by my … Continue reading

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Stetzer on the Recent “Church Basement Roadshow”

How to have a conversation? One of my personal complaints is the tone and tenor when it comes to those in the Church having a conversation where opinions differ. While the context is certainly different, I am reminded of Romans 14 where opinions are to be held with the … Continue reading

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Jones and Hansen – Conversation Partners

I am glad to have spotted the conversation between Tony Jones and Collin Hansen over at Christianity Today. Ed Stetzer has noted two movements expressing energy/vibrancy among Christians – Emergent/emerging church and the Reformed movement among younger leaders. I am hopeful this e-mail dialog will be the kind … Continue reading

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