The Great Divorce: The Church and the GOP

After a long, frustrating courtship with the GOP, Richard Land, then President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention declared, ”The go-along, get-along strategy is dead. ‘No more engagement. We [conservative Christians] want a wedding ring, we want a ceremony, we want a consummation Continue reading

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Whose History? Whose Independence? An Interview with Alan Cross

Healthy conversation and debate suffers from the 24/7 news cycle. The shooting of the Charleston 9 stirred deep conversations about the racial history in the United States. While the conversations and fallout continue, several SCOTUS decisions threaten(ed) to move the important discussions about racial issues to the back burner. … Continue reading

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It Has Been Long Enough or, Isaiah Captures the Mood

Reading the many Facebook comments, Twitter feeds, and some articles, one wonders if we have lost our ear for the prophetic. Rooting out things as they are could characterize the words of any an Old Testament prophet. One would think that now that we are in 2014, almost 2015, … Continue reading

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Listening to the Other – A Guest Post by Dwight McKissic

It is a mistake to think white people cannot talk about race in our Country. It may also be a mistake to think that white people listen well when the issue of race enters the public sphere as it has with the recent George Zimmerman verdict. Dwight McKissic quotes … Continue reading

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