When Momma Speaks: Don’t Reject Your Mother’s Teaching
Solomon knew what he was talking about. Intuitively we know it to be true. Experientially we take in the reality.… Continue reading
Read MoreSolomon knew what he was talking about. Intuitively we know it to be true. Experientially we take in the reality.… Continue reading
Read MoreTuesday I took care of some administrative work and listened to The Nines. I have caught some of the talks each of the five years the conference has been offered online. I looked up and noticed the live Twitter Feed. Then Greg called. Did you see Rachel Held … Continue reading
Read MoreConservative. Liberal. Something of a surprise revelation and an accompanying observation was made Sunday as a group of leaders gathered to discuss Tim Keller‘s, Generous Justice, at Snow Hill. Yes, I know. Yesterday I mentioned my friends reading Jacob Taubes and today I note a group where … Continue reading
Locating the subject in theo-ecclesial debates is often determined by who frames the question. Such is often the confusion when inter-changing sex and gender. What would a “minority voice” consider as important in the discussions that often turn rancorous?
Today I offer a Guest Post from Natalie originally published … Continue reading
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A Quiverful of Lessons on Sex and Gender in the SBC and Beyond
Emily Hunter McGowin agrees with me. Then she calls upon her experience and education to list several ways where a much more dangerous ideology affect “American evangelical culture and the SBC in partiular.”… Continue reading
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