
So I Went Golfing or, Practice Is Necessary

Blogging often reflects life. The ebbs and flows of consistent writing tend to depend on the schedule. Some weeks there is ample time to craft a post. Other weeks it seems a post is a passing thought.


Last week I found myself in Orlando. Some friends invited me … Continue reading

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Friends and Best Friend

It is not that there is not anything to say here on the blog. But, the time to sit down and put it together has been scarce this week. Last week Chas called. We met many moons ago. We played optimist basketball together. We played little league baseball too. … Continue reading

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Another Diagnosis Please Dr. O

Here we go again. No not another knee. This is the first. In January of 2003 I woke from a Sunday afternoon nap with paralyzing pain in my neck and shoulders. After a few days I attempted playing basketball with my normal gang on Friday mornings. Not the best … Continue reading

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