
Happy Three Months Max!

Time got away. Yesterday Max turned 3-Months old. Here is the little-not-so-little guy hanging out on the porch with Grammy a couple of weeks ago. There are several pictures on the inter webs of Max on his three-month day. I may get to Skype with Max this evening. Enjoy. … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Looking At You (Max) and Looking Ahead (Cohen)

What did grandparents do before camera phones? I am glad we don’t have to find out. Yesterday Tommie sent a photo of Max. I would have preferred to take the picture myself which would mean I would have been there to compete with Grammy for some Max time. There … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Luke (Hogan) Skywalker and Master (Cohen) Yoda

For weeks, if not longer, Kimberly and Patty thought carefully about how to dress up Cohen for our annual Fall Festival. There was talk about a character from Harry Potter. Then there was the idea of a super-hero. Then it clicked. Hogan was going to dress as Luke Skywalker … Continue reading

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Wide Eyes and Heading South – Friday Photo(s)

Last month we announced our second grandchild would be a boy, Max. Jason and Tommie had a “Reveal Party” for some of their friends. We tagged along. And, Cohen certainly did not want to miss out on the grand announcement. Grammy was holding him when I snapped this shot. … Continue reading

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First Cold – Cohen Under Mask

It had to happen. The allergens are everywhere. We have been listening carefully to the wheezing. His little cough, though not terrible, prompted parents and grand-parents to take notice. Then, Grammy spoke. Kimberly asked, “Mom what do you think?” “Maybe it would be good to rule out anything serious.… Continue reading

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