
Faith that Invalidates the Impossible and the Absurd

Luke 17:1-10

Jeremiah warned of thing to come. When the trouble came, he lamented.

How lonely sits the city

that once was full of people!

How like a widow she has become,

she that was great among the nations!

She that was a princess among the provinces

has become Continue reading

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An Inverted Yield Curve, or Is There No Balm in Gilead?

Pastoral Prayer: Lord God, we show up and follow our liturgy, our order of service. We expect that you will show up on time and here in our place. But, like Israel we have neglected to turn to you in faithfulness and away from our week long efforts at Continue reading

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Health Care for the Least of These – Go Fund Them

One of my friends makes the audacious claim that our attempts to save others may prove a waste of time as those same others may actually be the location of our own healing.… Continue reading

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Deeper Than Healing the Wounds

Our recent trip to Guatemala exposed us to another group of small coffee growers that suffer a system that disadvantages their work and advantages those with a network to bring the beans to market. In other words, while our price for coffee rises, the net income for those who … Continue reading

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