
Voices of Hope

Some of us grew up acquainted with choirs. Recently I saw the Voices of Hope Choir on American’s Got Talent. I could not help but think there was a metaphor that would help explicate something Paul was aiming for in what I think is his four-part harmony at work.Continue reading

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Still Making Sense of Church: An Interview with Spencer Burke

There once were churches. Then Denominational Churches. Mainline Churches. Traditional Churches. Evangelical Churches. House Churches. After that Seeker-Sensitive Churches. Traditional Churches. Mainline Churches. Seeker-Friendly Churches. Purpose-Driven Churches. Emerging Churches. Missional Churches. Gospel-Centered Churches.… Continue reading

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Heard at the Urinal Or, Cursed by the Double Bind

Of all the things I have been told about aging, one thing is true. Never pass up a chance to visit the Men’s Room. Little did I know what I might hear along the way.… Continue reading

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