
That Time One of My Interviewees Became a Reader’s Choice Finalist – Go Vote for Tom Oord

Almost one year ago I took a different direction with my podcast. Up to that point I had offered some reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary. Our congregation and other Baptists, even Southern Baptists,  interested in the Christian Seasons and what that looks like in a Tradition where Advent … Continue reading

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Unsettled and The Sinned Against

Have you ever stared into a small grave disturbed by the mini-casket laying in the dirt, know nothing about the young, very young, parents, seeing no family or friends . . . … Continue reading

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Great Big Yes – Weekly Video

“What did Jesus do on the cross you couldn’t do for yourself?” My friend Travis Reed, of The Work of the People,  asked me this and several other questions a couple of months ago. Today he posted part of that free form interview on the Alter Video Magazine Continue reading

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How Far Does Love God Down? Weekly Video

My friend Travis Reed interviewed Dr. John Perkins and asked a great question, “How far does love go down?” Christians often live thinking about the limits of their love in light of the unlimited love of God. We may need to put ourselves in the place of Perkins’ granddaughter … Continue reading

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