Lectionary Texts

Sent -Thoughts from the Edge

Discussion and debate around climate change turns on the effects these changes have on human beings and the environment itself. It is allergy season and regardless of the big changes, pollen changes everthing. We will look for allergy medicine for those watery eyes, itchy throats and runny noses. If … Continue reading

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Wounded Unity – Thoughts from the Edge

Unity or uniformity. My brother Paul listed his status today as, “Suffering posttaxum depression.” We all are united in the experience of taxation. But, we are not taxes uniformly. When we think of unity in terms of following Jesus conflict often arises over uniformity. Yet, the very experience of … Continue reading

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Loam, Compost, Life and Death – Thoughts from the Edge

Gardening, even urban gardening, is a big hit. Grow your own. Sometimes we use compost material, other  times we use loam. These elements pain the picture of life from death. Jesus notes in John 12 that unless a grain falls into the ground and dies it cannot give life. … Continue reading

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Story Changing Event – Thougths from the Edge

Everyone looks back over their life experiences and may choose an event or events that change their narrative. The human story is forever changed by the Incarnation, Jesus the Christ.… Continue reading

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