
The HCSB Study Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible – God’s Word for Life, A Brief Review

I received a copy of the Holman Christian Standard Study Bible for review from Lifeway. The copy did not arrive in time to promote a Black Friday purchase. It barely reached my house soon enough for a Cyber Monday nod. Personally I am not a fan of either day.Continue reading

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Weekly Wrap – Maybe You Missed These Posts

College Game Day is in Norman. The hosts just donned masks and portrayed the coaches from the top 4 BCS teams. Each stated their case as to why they should make the title game. Quite premature to this Sooner fan.

Here are posts from this week you may have … Continue reading

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Komen, Lifeway, SGM and T4G Or, Maintaining the “as is” Structure

David E Fitch


Oh boy. Here’s a question from scotmcknight (@scotmcknight) . Dare I suggest Bill Kinnon (@kinnon) tackle this one? Ok gotta go 🙂

Blame Bill Kinnon. He took the bait. David Fitch posted Scot McKnight’s, “Why,” about the different responses to Piper/Driscoll and … Continue reading

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