March of Dimes

Friday Photo Extra – You

Can you look away? When he stares it is as if to say, “You.” We walked in the March of Dimes walk at the State Fairgrounds on May 7. Of course, I had to have the camera handy.

Waiting on it all to begin, Cohen is content to watch … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Team Cohen

Last Saturday Team Cohen took to the Fair Grounds. The March of Dimes Walk for Babies prompted us to put on our walking shoes. Two miles later and lots of conversations along the way, we crossed the finish line glad to raise awareness for the work of the March … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – Look At Meeeee!

Look at me! Generally when Cohen spots the camera he stops whatever it is we want to capture. On this day, he saw Grandpa Doc with the camera and stared right back as if to say, “Look at meeeee.”

Well, make no mistake we do.

Next week, Monday, he … Continue reading

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