Max Nolen

Max’s First Photo Shoot and Cuz Looks On Smiling


Max Nolen spent the morning at his first photo shoot. His cousin Cohen Alan made a cameo.… Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Patty

“What do you want for your birthday?” All of her answers were something functional for the house. She mentioned only one thing for herself – a purse. I don’t pick out purses. I learned that lesson picking out jeans 20 plus years ago.

Over Patty’s 33 birthdays I have … Continue reading

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Friday Photo – All Smiles

Daddies love it when their girls smile. I just received a text from Tommie. They got some sleep last night. She is feeling like a new woman. Tommie sent along this (left) photo with a “Good Morning Grammy and Grandpa!”

Enjoy!… Continue reading

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Max Arrives – Two Now Three

What a day. Jason called about 4:00 p.m. and said, “Well it looks like it is time.” After enduring increasingly intense contractions, Tommie made her doctor’s appointment about 3:30 p.m. They wheeled her over to the Labor & Delivery floor at Children’s.

Patty had just begun a long procedure … Continue reading

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