Max Nolen

These Two – Friday Photo

Friday Photo has been an infrequent posting here on The Edge of the Inside for quite some time. It is not for lack of material. Here is one, actually two, to enjoy.

I do.

 … Continue reading

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Look Who Is 2!

Two years ago this evening we were waiting. Regular reports let us in on how much longer we would have to wait. Our baby was having her first baby. Today Max turns 2! We are on our way to celebrate.

Happy Birthday Max!… Continue reading

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Road Tripping with Max

Friday evening we enjoyed Max time. We stopped for dinner and afterwards we checked out the play area. After a timid start, Max took to climbing. He reached the car and immediately took command of the make believe road. He looks pretty intense. I may keep this phot around … Continue reading

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Frank Schaeffer, Cycle of Life, and What Matters

“See, I will listen to Dad,” said the pediatrician as she put her stethoscope to my chest. She did not know I am Grandpa, not Dad.

Generally my weekly schedule is flexible. Should Kimberly or Tommie need me to go with them and one of the Grands to … Continue reading

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