
Subverting the Norm – Alternative Voices, Part the First

Speaking into echo chambers is not the purview of one group as opposed to another. Recognition of this malady is a good first step. But, until we enter another’s echo chamber ready to listen, we simply continue to draw unhelpful conclusions.

I have long believed this to be true. … Continue reading

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Thoughts from The Edge … Church As Missionary

Our pattern is to offer a reflection on the Lectionary text for the coming Sunday. Today I offer some brief thougths about our weekend event, The Church As Missioanry. If you are in the area you are invited to come. You will find a schedule on the Snow Hill … Continue reading

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Counter to Current Church Culture Trends

My friend, Ernest, over at Missions Misunderstood weighs in on the new trend toward “multi-site” churches. I found his missiological perspective to represent a “counter-cultural” move with regard to church culture.

What do you think?… Continue reading

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