
While It Is Still Dark No More

Pastoral Prayer: Almighty God, not one of us wants to be nameless and placeless. We work to make our mark on the world. More often the world makes its mark on us. We experience it in wounded hopes, crushed dreams, and broken relationships. But, the Good News is that Continue reading

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The Morning After . . . Betrayal

What about the morning after? Often the phrase is associated with, You will feel better in the morning. Other times it is a reference to regret, You will pay for that in the morning.… Continue reading

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Forgiveness Is the Key – Weekly Video with Bishop Desmond Tutu

“Love keeps no record of wrongs.” Surely the Apostle Paul gives us an ideal too great for humans to exercise. At least that is what we would think. And, many a Christian explanation seems to confirm.

We bundle a number of actions together with forgiveness making it a contingent … Continue reading

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The Rupture of Forgiveness In a World of Revenge

Today pastors will preach on the day the United States collectively remembers 9/11 ten years later. My sermon title for this morning is the title for this post, “The Rupture of Forgiveness In a World of Revenge.” I don’t often talk about preaching here. Today is different.… Continue reading

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