
She Does Not Just Wear the Clerical Collar: An Interview with Lori Walke

Lori walked briskly through the Rotunda. Determined to raise awareness among Oklahoma congressional representatives of the harmful effects of predatory lending, she stood out among the crowd. It was the collar. Or was it?… Continue reading

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What Does It Profit a Pastor to Run for Local Office?

When he learned I was on the City Council, my friend remarked, “I did not take you for Constantinian.” At once I felt I disappointed one of my man-crush’s. I also realized how broad brushed generalizations work.… Continue reading

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How Ed Stetzer Helped Me Consider Voting for Hillary

I registered to vote when I turned 18 in 1981. I missed the Reagan Train the first time. I did not miss it the second time.… Continue reading

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Pariah, Corporatist News, and Literacy, An Interview with Marty Duren

Gary Webb lived like a leper, ostracized by the very community of investigative story seekers of which he was apart now gutted by Corporatist interests. He was The Pariah. That was nineteen years ago. Little did he know his story would pave the way for Julian Assange and … Continue reading

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Jesus, Jerusalem, Samaria, and Independence Day

Fireworks began disturbing the evening hours over the past several days. Before we made the connection to early July 4th celebrations it sounded like someone unloading a moving van in the driveway. These pre-July 4th celebrations will likely turn into post-July 4th festivities with the weekend … Continue reading

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