
Tornadoes and God or God and Tornados

Living in Tornado Alley we watch weather about as much as we watch Sooner Football. In fact if a storm blows up hours from where we live, Gary will preempt programming so the rest of the state may watch the potential calamity. We are glad for the warnings. … Continue reading

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Waste Not, Want Not – Chris Jordan Photo Series

I ran across this photo series thanks to Tony Jones. While we are debating the effects of a stimulus package, health care reform, and the environment. How about a respite for some photo reality. Could it be we consume ourselves to a fault? And then, we wonder, “How … Continue reading

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Patriotism, Freedom, Justice for All … and the Church

Balancing patriotism and faith in an election year is tough. Locating patriotism in the context of a local church can be like playing Twister with the pastor as the only player and the local church calling the colors and the appendage formation. Most often the nexus of controversy … Continue reading

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