
An Inverted Yield Curve, or Is There No Balm in Gilead?

Pastoral Prayer: Lord God, we show up and follow our liturgy, our order of service. We expect that you will show up on time and here in our place. But, like Israel we have neglected to turn to you in faithfulness and away from our week long efforts at Continue reading

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This Is Uz: A Conversation with Scott Curry

The idols we create become burdens too heavy to bear. Scott Curry references Walter Brueggemann on Isaiah 46 to point out the caricatures we create for God become the idols in our heads that let us down when suffering comes.… Continue reading

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The Circles of Faithful Presence: An(other) Interview with David E. Fitch

Practical Theology is theology from below. That is, practical theology is rooted in reflections about God’s activity in the world in real time. Eugene Peterson reminds, “Matter is real. Flesh is good. Without firm rooting in creation, religion is always drifting off into some kind of pious sentimentalism Continue reading

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Faithful Presence #4 – An Advent Series

Mary could tell stories. For more than fifty years she worked with youth. Sadness gripped her when she thought of those who made life choices that ended in pain. Joy welled up when she recalled many a young person who took up different practices fueled by a different truth … Continue reading

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Faithful Presence – An Advent Series #3

Dear lady in the coffee aisle,

If this little letter ever finds you I hope it finds you well. I wanted to say thank you for what you did for me today.Continue reading

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