
They Like Big Buts . . . You May Too

If you did not read carefully, you may have mistaken a conjunction for a noun. Spelling is key. Taking note of words and how they are used both spares of embarrassment and enlightens. … Continue reading

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Not Just a Nerdy Endeavor: A Conversation with Eric Hall and Nathan Gilmour

One could not tell by the onslaught of published books that the Preacher of Ecclesiastes dictum still holds true. There is nothing new under the sun.… Continue reading

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When In Romans: A Conversation with Beverly Gaventa and Jason Micheli

Many people only know John 3:16. Explaining the importance of John’s use of the word sign requires too much work. After all, if anything we know of recent events, signs and symbols point to different things for different people. … Continue reading

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Open Carry: No Need for Guns for Justice

A friend and I have been kicking around the idea of putting together, The Golden Calf Network. We would keep a careful eye on Christian culture and see what gets the ire up. … Continue reading

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