Snow Hill

It Can’t Go Without Saying

Early this morning the local weather prognosticator provided the temperature pattern for the first 14 days of October. Generally we are dry and still longing for cooler temps. That it seemed summer was hanging on at the first of October was evident. Temperatures were well above normal.

Like a … Continue reading

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I Did Not Preach Yesterday . . . the Congregation Did

Sermons, these days, come in a variety of forms. Many suggest there should only be one kind. Add to that the expectation that the pastor is the one doing the preaching and one may easily see how things narrow quickly. … Continue reading

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What Would I Have Said Yesterday? Or, Rash-less

Classic irony. For a few weeks, I have weighed in on Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Over the past week I worked through the texts associated with the Proper Reading for Sunday, October 7, 2012 in the Revised Common Lectionary; our program of preaching at Snow Hill. It was also … Continue reading

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(Non) Voting As A Challenge to Power – One Non-vote Voter’s Reflection

A couple of weeks ago the Ex-Reverend sent over several interview questions for a story in anticipation of Oklahoma’s Super Tuesday primary. Greg rightly wondered how Oklahoma’s Christian, Evangelical, voters might view Mitt Romney – a Mormon. You may read the piece here. He offers a lengthier discussion Continue reading

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Sermons, North Korea, and Snow Hill

Preaching comparisons represent a hazard of the vocation. Finding your preaching voice can take time. Years in fact. Patient congregations allow for the pretentious preaching. By that I mean pretending to preach like [insert the young preacher’s icon]. Over time it is too exhausting unless of course one opts … Continue reading

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