The End of Evangelicalism

Who Is On the Lawn? Or, Those “Scary Others” As Conversation Partners

“Who is in the front yard?” Growing up in Oklahoma City on 17th Street we had a protected front porch. Holly Bushes lined the two exposed sides. I am thinking they were at least five feet tall. But then again, in my mind’s eye that was when I was … Continue reading

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Pragmatics and the Church, Or Mad Men May Expose Your Desire

It works. We just finished watching Season 1 of Mad Men. It only took me six months to get around to watching the last disc sent by Netflix. We are slow. And, in terms of keeping up with the story, we are woefully behind.

Peggy, Don Draper’s secretary, … Continue reading

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More Irruptions of the Real? “Hey SBC, Read Fitch!”

The temperature continues to be the topic du jour here in Oklahoma. In contest like fashion meteorologists see who can state the obvious better. Add in the constant tracking of how many days over 100° Oklahoma City endures and I am guessing it is the absence of a … Continue reading

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The SBC Menagerie – Al Mohler the New Bogeyman?

(I wrote part of this weeks ago. Reading today prompted me to pluck it from the dustbin and muse afresh.)

Anyone observing the Southern Baptist Convention for the past 30 or so years may readily “get” the reference to an SBC menagerie. Even my skeptic/formerly Christian friends who … Continue reading

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